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Surah Nasr in English and Arabic, Tafseer & Reason for Revelation

Surat Al-Nasr is the shortest Surah in the Noble Qur’an after Surat Al-Kawthar. Both are three verses, but Surat Al-Kawthar is shorter in terms of the word number. Surah Nasar was revealed in Al Madinah after surah At-Tawbah and consisted of three words. Its rank is 110 in Quran and is located in the 30th part.

This surah is also known as Surah Farewell and surah Al Fatah. Also, It’s the last surah in Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammed according to Sahih Bukhari and the narration of Ibn Abbas.

In this article, you’ll know surah Nasar in Arabic, translalitation, translation, and why it’s revealed.

Surah Nasr in English

Here’s the English translation for surah Nasr:

“When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest (1).

And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes (2)

, Then exalt your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is ever accepting repentance (3).

Surah Al Nasr Transliteration

Itha jaa nasru Allahiwalfath (1)

Waraayta annasa yadkhuloonafee deeni Allahi afwaja

(2) Fasabbih bihamdi rabbika wastaghfirhuinnahu kana tawwaba (3).

Surah Nasar in Arabic

إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْح( 1) وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًا (2)  فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ تَوَّابًا (3)

surah nasr

The meaning of Surah Nasr in Islam

Surah Nasar includes a promise from Allah to his prophet that Allah will make him triumphant and people will convert to Islam in crowds. Also, it urges him to glorify his God, thank him, and ask for his forgiveness.

So, it’s an indication for people that victory and triumph should be received with glorification, thankfulness, and Istaghfar, not bravado or vanity.

Surah Nasr Tafseer in English

Read surah Nasr interpretation verse by verse in English

1. The first verse:

Surah nasr verse 3
"When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest."

Al Razi, a renowned Muslim scholar, differentiates between Victory and Conquest in the first verse of Surah Nasar. Victory (نصر in Arabic) indicates victory over all Arab tribes entirely, While the conquest points out the conquest of Mecca for its great significance.

2. The second verse:

Surah nasr verse 2
"And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes."

People in verse suggest the Arab tribes like Taif, Yamen, Hawazin, etc.

This divine promise comes true in the 8th year after immigration. Prophet Mohammed entered Mecca, and all people converted to Islam peacefully (except those killed) and entered Islam in large numbers.

According to records, in the ninth year after immigration, delegations from all regions of Saudi Arabic approached Mohammed, sending him Salam and anncouning their conversion to this new religion that would dominate outside the Arabian peninsula in the few upcoming decades.

3. The third verse

Surah nasr
Then exalt your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is ever accepting repentance. 

In this verse, ALLAH asked his prophet to remember that this Victory can’t occur without Allah’s permission and mercy, and it’s not his achievement. So, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala commanded him to acknowledge his aid in his heart and tongue, glorify and thank Him for the, and fully believe that the result of the battle and triumph is in Allah’s hands alone.

It’s narrated that when the prophet Mohammed entered Kabba and prayed to Allah eight raka’at, he glorified and asked for Allah’s forgiveness.

Read also: Surah Nas: Seeking Refuge From the Powerful God Over All Evils

Causes of Surah Nasr’s Revelation

Surah Nasr was revealed to Mohammed when he returned from The Battle of Hunayn, and it was good news for Mohammed and his people that the time of the conquest of mecca had approached.

Regarding the causes of revelation, Ibn Kathir interpreted that conquest in this surah as the conquest of Mecca for Arab tribes were waiting for the people of Mecca to convert to Islam, saying if Mohamed were triumphant over his people, then we’d believe his message. It hasn’t been two years after the conquest since all the tribes in the Arabian peninsula flocked to Al Madinah and announced their Islam.

According to the narration in Muslim, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) frequently recited these words just before he passed away: “Subhanaka Rabbana wa bihamdika. Astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika.”

Aishah, May Allah be pleased with him, asked him: “O Messenger of Allah! What are these new words which I hear from you repeatedly.” He replied, “A sign has been appointed for me relating to my people that I should repeat these words at the sight of that sign.” Then he recited Surat An-Nasr.

Benefits to Take from Surah Nasr

There are many lessons and messages we can conclude from surah an nasr

  • The Muslims’ victory is justified, so God – the Highest power – punishes the oppressors and the aggressors
  • the Muslims must obey Allah’s teachings and not be strayed away from them.
  • When Muslims pay attention to reasoning and rely on their wealth and numbers and other materialistic methods, they lose. But if they put all their confidence in Allah and believe in his promise, Allah will help them.
  • Allah tests his believers to know who will submit willingly to him and be faithful in his promise and those who have doubts.
  • Believers have to trust Allah’s words regardless of the oppression and aggression in life. If they have a firm belief and use all available means, they will beat their enemies.

Contents of This Surah

Surah Nasr has significant meanings, including

  • The victory of Allah and the conquest of the prophet and the believers, and the defeat of polytheists
  • Many people will convert to Islam, the religion of Allah, in great numbers
  • Allah ordered his prophet to thank Allah, glorify him (say Subhan Allah), and ask for His forgiveness
  • Though this order was for the prophet, especially in this verse, all Muslims should apply it and thank Allah and ask his forgiveness
  • Allah promised all people who seek his forgiveness that he would accept their repentance and forgive their sins.

Read More: Ayatul Kursi: Translation, Transliteration, Benefits & Meaning

When was the conquest of Mecca?

According to Islamic chrolongly, This incident was a turning point in Islam’s history. It happened on 10 Ramadan, 8 Hijri (the eighth year after the prophet’s immigration to Al Madina. Prophet Mohammed had a legion composed of 10000 soldiers and asked Muslim tribes who lived near Al Madinah to join him, and they helped him with 2000 soldiers.

Hence, the total number of Mohammed’s army in this event was 12K, and he entered Mecca without fighting or blood-shedding and ordered that all idols be smashed, saying the truth had come and falsehood had vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish.” Moreover, Al Kabba was purified from abomination.

Significance of Reading Surah Nasar

Though surah Nasr is composed of only three verses, the prophet Mohammed has encouraged his nation to read it, saying in one hadith

“Whoever recites it at every prayer seven times, the prayer will be accepted the best.”

Among the hadiths that mentioned the virtues of Surat Al-Nasr that hadith narrated by Aisha – may God be pleased with her

she said: “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to frequently say before his death: (Glory to Allah and praise be to Him, I seek forgiveness from God and repent to Him) she said: I said: O Messenger of God, you have said that supplication that you did not pray before that. He responded

My Lord, the Exalted, the Majestic, told me that He would show me a sign in my ummah and asked me when I witnessed it to glorify Him, praise Him, and seek The forgiveness I saw him.

When surah al Nasr was revealed?

There are many speculations about the exact time when this surah was revealed.

Abd Allah ibn Omar, the renowned companion, narrated it was revealed in the Farewell pilgrimage in Mina. After it, Allah revealed this verse, “Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favor upon you, and chosen Islam as your way” (Maidah, 3).

When Mohammed received this surah, he knew that he’d die soon; Abd Allah ibn Abbas narrated that Fatma, the daughter of Prophet Mohammed, invited her to come and said I was mourned in this surah, so she wept. Then he said, ” You’re the first one from my family to die after me, ” so she laughed.

Prophet Mohammed lived 80 days after its revelation, then died, so it’s called surah Farwell (سورة التوديع in Arabic).


Surah Nasar was revealed to reinforce Mohammed’s belief and his people in Allah’s power and belief in his promise and rely on him as he can do everything. The people’s role is to take the reasonable causes and delegate all of their affairs to Allah.

In this article, you’ve learnt surah Nasr’s meaning, Tafseer, translation, and reasons for its revelation. We hope you find all information helpful to you and reinforce your belief in Allah’s and your confidence in his promises.

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Surah Nasr in English and Arabic, Tafseer & Reason for Revelation - Hafizon Academy
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