Surat Al-Nas includes an affirmation of the oneness of God Almighty. He is the One and Only Lord, who has no partner in the kingdom. Surah Nas is one of the short stories in the holy Quran located in the 30th chapter, also known as Juz Amma. It’s also the last surah in Quran after surah AL Falaq, and its number is 116.
Surah al nas was revealed in Mecca and consists of only six verses. And it has great significance in Quran as the prophet Mohammed urged his nation to recite it for its great virtues.
In this article, you’ll know the meaning of surah nas, why it was revealed, and its translation in English, besides other important details. Keep reading!
Here are the verses of surah nas in English
Say: “I seek refuge with (Allâh) the Lord of mankind,[1] “The King of mankind -[2] The God of mankind [3] From the evil of the retreating whisperer [4] Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind [5] Say: “I seek refuge with (Allâh) the Lord of mankind,[1] “The King of mankind -[2] The God of mankind [3] From the evil of the retreating whisperer [4] Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind From among the jinn and mankind [6] .”
Read also: Surah kahf: why should you read it every Friday?
Qul a’oozu birabbin naas [1] Malikin naas [2] Ilaahin naas –[3] Min sharril waswaasil khannaas [4] Allazee yuwaswisu fee sudoorin naas [5] Minal jinnati wannaas [6] (End Juz 30)
Listen to surah Al Nas by Mishary:
This surah has great significance in the Quran since it exorcises the devil spirits and purifies Muslims’ souls and bodies. For those reasons, Prophet Mohamed used to recite it along with surah al Dalaq to fortify himself against satan’s whispers. Also, reciting for children is desirable to defend them against any possible harm. Also, it’s a cure for the ill and possessed people.
‘A’isha reported that when Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) fell ill, he recited over his body Mu’awwidhatan and blew over him, and when his sickness was aggravated, I used to recite over him and rub him with his band with the hope that it was more blessed.
For its great virtues, Prophet Mohammed urged his nation to recite it three times in the morning and likewise in the evening as this hadith below narrates:
Abdullah b. Khubaib said: We went out one rainy and intensely dark night to look for God’s messenger, and when we caught up on him he said to me, “Say.” I asked him what I was to say, and he replied, “If you recite ‘Say, He is God, One’ and al-Mu’awidhatān (The last 3 sūras of the Qur’ān) three times morning and evening, they will serve you for every purpose.”
There is no hadith about reciting surah al Ikhlas al Falaq & An Nas 100 times or a specific number of times. However, in sunna, surah nas, and surah Falaq were read for fortifying the soul and asking Allah for refuge away from the devils of people and jinn.
Read also: Surah Asr: Translation, Meaning, Importance & Time of Revelation
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ مَلِكِ النَّاسِ إِلَهِ النَّاسِ مِنْ شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ الَّذِي يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ
here is the tasfeer of surah nas verse by verse.
In this verse, Allah addresses his prophet Mohammed and orders him to fortify himself and seek refuge in Allah, the creator of the universe and the lord of all the people.
In this verse, Allah describes himself as the king of the people, the ruler of all the world who initiates and maps out everything. No one is mightier nor bigger than him.
In this verse, the Quran says that Allah is the mighty God who has no partner in his kingdom and to whom all creatures glorify his name.
In this verse, Allah ordered Mohammed – and all Muslims – to fortify themselves by seeking Allah’s refuge and protection from all harms of the devils. And the devil is described in two words:
الوسواس: meaning he whispers to the Muslim and incites them to commit sins and disobey the orders of Allah
الخنّاس: an adjective derived from the verb خنس to describe the one who’s late always, and in the context of the devil, it indicates he disappears or hides away when he hears the name of Allah.
It continues the same meaning as the devil’s whispers and tempts the Muslims to deviate from the right course.
The diabolical whispers might be from jinn or people. الجنّة means jinn, and they come before the people as they’re the origin of all whispers.
Al Hassan Al Basri differentiates between the whispers of jinn and people as jinn’s whispers are hidden and felt by heart (they’s are the evil ideas that hit Muslim’s minds with no alarm. But people’s whispers are obvious and explicit as people, contrary to jinn, are seen.
Surah nas is one of the Quranic surahs with many virtues for Muslims. It consists of only six verses that imply a confirmation of the power of Allah, the lord of all creatures, the ruler of everything, and the one who should seek his protection from all the harms of people and jinn.
So, Recite surah al nas each morning and evening to secure yourself from the whispers of the devils and people.
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