Wudu is important because it’s the first step before prayer
And your prayer isn’t validated without it
Also, it has a deep meaning related to the purity of the soul through removing any dirt or filth of the body, in preparation to meet Allah… Since salah in its essence is a meeting with our creator.
In this article, you’ll know much information about how to make wudu steps in the Quran sunna and answers to many questions the people always ask about wudu… Keep reading.
What Is Wudu? Wudu (وضوء in The Arabic Language) Is Derived from The Word وضاءة Which Means Beauty and Splendor.
And in Islamic terminology, it means rinsing certain organs with water is a basic requirement for prayer, and it is one of the most important conditions that prayer can’t be valid without it.
And in the two Sahihs, the messenger of Allah said:
“God does not accept the prayer of any of you if he breaks down until he performs ablution.”
What Quran Says About Wudu? The Quran Is Very Clear About the Importance of Wudu, or Ritual Ablutions, Before Prayer.
In several verses, Allah commands Muslims to perform wudu before they pray.
For example, in surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 6, Allah said:
O, believers! When you rise up for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, wipe your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of ˹full˺ impurity, then take a full bath. But if you are ill, on a journey, or have relieved yourselves, or have been intimate with your wives and cannot find water, then purify yourselves with clean earth by wiping your faces and hands. It is not Allah’s Will to burden you, but to purify you and complete His favor upon you, so perhaps you will be grateful.
Thus, the Quran makes it clear that wudu is important for both purifications and as a way of seeking Allah’s pleasure. Muslims should perform wudu before every salah in order to be clean and pure when they stand before Allah.
What Did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Say About Wudu? Prophet Mohammed Said, “wudu Is a Means of Purification, and It Is Obligatory upon Every Muslim to Perform Wudu Before Prayers.
“Narrated AbuHurayrah
The Messenger of Allah said: The prayer of a person who does not perform ablution is not valid, and the ablution of a person who does not mention the name of Allah (in the beginning) is not valid. Also, about the importance and virtues of ablution, he said:
‘Uthman bin ‘Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
I heard the Messenger of Allah saying, “When the time for a prescribed Salat is due and a Muslim performs its Wudu’ and its acts of bowing and prostration properly, this Salat will be an expiation for his past sins, so long as he does not commit major sins, and this applies forever.” [Muslim].
How to Make Wudu Steps To perform ablution for males, follow these steps:
1. invoke the intention Make a pure intention that you do this act for Allah, as wudu is an Islamic deed, and deeds in Islam should be preceded by a pure intention as the prophet Mohammed said: (The value of) an action depends on the intention. then say bismillah
2. Wash your hands Note: washing hands is a sunnah and not wajib because it’s mentioned in Quran but It was narrated from (Aws bin) Abi Aws that his grandfather said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) trickle water into his hand until it started to drip from his hand, three times.”
3. Rinse your mouth three times rinse your mouth three times. Using your right hand, take a handful of water and put it in your mouth then roll your mouth with it for seconds then spit it out…
4. Rinse your nose three times. For washing your nose, cup a handful of water into your nostrils, sniff it partly for a second then use your left hand to blow it out.
5. Wash Your Entire Face Three Times start by your forehead to your chin, and use your index finger to massage the face in a circular motion… If your beard is thin, then wash it thoroughly. But if you have thick bread, use your wet hands and pass them through your beard to clear it of any filth.
6. Wash Your Arms Wash your arms up to the elbows with water. Start with your right arm and wash it with your water starting from your fingertips to the elbow, then do the same with your left arm.
7. Wipe Your Head with Water Start with the front hairs then go back until you reach your hair’s rear. then Wipe your ear inward and outward with water
8 Wash Your Feet Three-Time Start with the right foot then your left one, and make sure to wash in between your fingers and let water pass through the spaces between them.
How to Perform Wudu for Females Women Do Ablution Exactly as Males. the Main Difference Is They Don’t Do It During Menstruation Because There’re Obliged to Make Salah Throughout This Time.
Narrated `Aisha:
Fatima bint Abi Hubaish used to have bleeding in between the periods, so she asked the Prophet (ﷺ) about it.
He replied, give up the prayers when the (real) menses begins and when it has finished, take a bath and start praying.”
Also, women aren’t obliged to wash the entire length of the hair, if it’s too tall. She only can wipe her front locks.
Read also: Akhirah in the Islam Belief and Its Events in Details
Wudu in Fiqjh( Jurisprudence) There Are Certain Ablutions that Are Required in Order to Perform Certain Acts of Worship in Islam, Such as Prayer. Wudu Is One of These Ablutions, and It Is Specifically for Prayer. In Fiqh , or Islamic Jurisprudence, the Rulings Regarding Wudu Are Derived from The Quran and Hadith. There Are Four Main Parts to Performing Wudu: Washing the Face, Washing the Arms and Hands, Wiping Over the Head, and Washing the Feet.
Do You Have to Wudu After a Shower? If a Muslim Takes a Bath with The Intention of Cooling Down or Being Clean, Then Is Not Ablution, Because His Shower Doesn’t Involve an Intent for Worship.
But if he bathed with the intention of worship; For example, if he performed a shower his body removing ritual impurity and intended ablution with it, then it’s considered wudu for worshipping because minor purification is included in major purification.
Is It Permissible to Make Wudu Over Socks? There Is Some Debate Among Islamic Scholars Over Whether or Not It Is Permissible to Perform Ablution Over Socks. Some Argue That It Is Permissible as Long as The Socks Are Clean, While Others Argue that It Is Not Permissible at All.
The majority of scholars hold that’s it is permissible to wipe your socks with water for men and women, provided that it covers both feet and clean from any dirt or filth, and the person wearing them is in a pure state.
Can I Make Wudu with Makeup? yes, You Can Perform Ablution with Makeup, but You Have to Be Careful About Which Products You Use. Waterproof Makeup Can Be Difficult to Remove and May Not Come Off Completely with Just Water. You Should Also Prevent Anything that Using Products that Contain Alcohol, as This Can Dry out Your Skin.
Do You Have to Make Wudu After Ghusl? In Islamic fiqh, The ritual Ghusl after sexual intercourse can be sufficient and there is no need for wudu
as Allah said in Quran in surah Nisa
O, believers! Do not approach prayer while intoxicated until you are aware of what you say, nor in a state of ˹full˺ impurity —unless you merely pass through ˹the mosque˺—until you have bathed. But if you are ill or on a journey, or have relieved yourselves, or been intimate with your wives find no water, then purify yourselves with clean earth, wiping your faces and hands. And Allah is Ever-Pardoning, All-Forgiving.
Is Wudu Required for Reading Quran? There is no required time for wudu before reading the Quran. It is, of course, better to be in a state of purity and cleanliness when reciting the holy book, but one can read the Quran at any time, even if they do not have wudu.
How To Make Wudu when Injured? According to Sheikh Ibn Baz, may God have mercy on him, If you’re injured and your wound is open, then it is obligatory to wash it with water, and if it is not possible to wash it with water, then wipe the wound, and if it is not possible to wipe, then do tayammum, and this is in order.
And if your wound is covered with a splint, then wipe it with water. If wiping harms it even though it is covered, then do tayammum, as if it was uncovered.
Can You Make Wudu with Henna On? Henna is a type of dye that is used to color the skin
And, Yes you can perform ablution as long as it doesn’t prevent the water from reaching your skin.
However, nail polish and anything that could prevent water isn’t allowed since they spoil your wudu.
Does Making Wudu Wash Away Sins? Yes it’s one of the good deeds that have great virtues in Islam, and there are hadith of the prophet Mohammed which could confirm that
Abu Huraira reported God’s messenger as saying, “When a Muslim, or a believer, washes his face in the course of ablution, every sin he contemplated with his eyes will come forth from his face along with the water, or with the last drop of water; when he washes his hands, every sin they wrought will come forth from his hands with the water, or with the last drop of water; and when he washes his feet, every sin towards which his feet have walked will come out with the water, or with the last drop of water, with the result that he will come forth pure from offenses.”
‘Uthman reported God’s messenger as saying, “If anyone performs the ablution well, his sins will come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails.”
(Bukhari and Muslim.)
Do I Have to Perform Wudu Before Every Prayer? No, you don’t have to perform wudu before every prayer
.You only need to perform wudu if you’ve broken your ablution, or if it’s been a while since you last performed wudu.
There is no specific number of times that one must perform Wudu throughout the day. he can pray until he does something that breaks his wudu such as urine, feces, sperm, Madi, blood, and farting. but it is generally recommended to perform Wudu before any of the five daily prayers.
Read also: 6 Things Can Break Wudu, Know Them Before Prayer
Should I Do Wudu in Order? The majority of Muslim scholars see full order in ablution as required, except for the Hanafis, for whom it is not necessary. The order of washing the organs in ablution is better as mentioned in the Noble Qur’an. As for the Hanafis, they say that as long as the organ is washed without order, ablution has taken place even if the ablution was intentional
Hanafis did not prohibit the arrangement, but rather allowed it, but they issued a fatwa on the validity of ablution if it occurred without order, while the majority of Muslim scholars don’t allow not following the order in wudu steps..
If the Quran says that there are only four steps, then why do we do more? There is nothing wrong if do only the four steps explained in Quran about wudu which are washing your face, washing your hands to your elbows, wetting your head with water, and Washing your feet until the ankle..
However, it’s more rewarding if you do the complete wudu as prophet Mohammed instructed us.
What to Say When Doing Wudu? When you are performing Wudu, you should say “Bismillah” (in the Name of Allah) as you start. Then, as you wash each part of your body, you should say “I am washing my face in the name of Allah” (or whatever body part you are washing) three times.
You should also say “I am seeking Allah’s forgiveness” and “I am turning to Him in repentance” as you wash. Finally, when you have finished Wudu, you should say “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.”
Conclusion Wudu is important before making salah
You learned wudu steps starting by your face until feet…
You can do it according to Quran or sunna but it’s more rewarding if you do it the way explained in the article because it’s a more accurate way.
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